Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"Stay Positive"

Ari ni rs cam bersemangat sgt wat keje... Naper??? x tau le... tetiba jer mu self esteem tu memuncak tggi... might be from kevin zahri nyer website smlm.... especially on Diet... really admired on his style... especially how to managed and ctrl our diet.... of course in good ways, mmgle kan tu kan keje dia.... So today dah survey2 buku FITNESS 24/7 tu kat online.... most 59.90... but on his website ada additional gifts lg... mintak tlg hubby survey price of d book tu kat MPH.... mana tau ada special offer lak new year ni.

Pasal adik lak dah 3 ari dmm panas, batuk n selsema.... asyik muntah jer (byk kahak yg x leh kuar) . Same goes to kakak dah a week gitu. But kakak not influence with fever ... so xdelah risau sgt.... I realized si kakak ni mmg x boleh minum/makan yg fresh from freeze.... mesti kena biar kurang sejuk, dan kalu amik juga inilagh hasilnya. Meanwhile my lovely kidz ni nyer immune system very very low/poor. Mana xnye dekat jer ngan sesaper yg kena flu/cough ni mesti infected. So moral of the story utk myself.... jauhi mereka2 yg dijangkiti ni... boleh gitu....

Since yesterday also I was thinking to visit Miza.... and inviting dahlia and azizah to join me. lama gak 3 of us x berjumpa kan.. Really miss all the naughty memories that we had together... So I just proposed on this coming sat, around 2 pm gitu... see how la... x tau can make it or not... maklumler sumer dah ada commitment masing2. Tp entahlah they all ni... x teringin ke nak gather2 sesama...

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